the making of materials for the making of art

My brother tells me he was shoved by our employer,
but goes on working.

For an absence of witness,
my brother’s hurt means little,

The work goes on.
Our employer goes on working, a maker of quality materials.

as if nothing happened
yes, we continue”.

A man will cut his own arm
as reason to stop working for a moment.
Carry on, as if nothing happened.

He was absolved, our employer,
by his own production,
and the refusal to refuse.

Work, as if it wasn’t you too who was betrayed
when the ones beside you are disgraced.

Gravity is a quiet force, invisible until one decides
to notice it, bending backs to its laws without selection.

The price of dignity is shelter
held by the neck of your earnings in hand,
nodding and complimenting your humble silence.

Dignity is a continued fight against gravity.
the only valour in the face of the inevitable.

My brother continues working.